In the third installment of the Inazuma Eleven series, The Ogre Fr, strange occurrences in various countries around the world lead to Tachimori making a wish with an artifact that summons Raimon into a strange foreign land. Raimon must then participate in the Football Frontier Internationals in order to return to Japan. As in the previous two games, the player is able to recruit up to three-hundred and sixty-five characters, including old and new ones such as "Alphonse Elric" from Fullmetal Alchemist and "Edward Falcon" from F-ZERO, along with many football legends such as Ronaldinho, Diego Maradona, Frank Lampard and Michael Ballack. Unlike Inazuma Eleven 2: Kyoui no Shinryakusha, there are only a few actual players from real-world teams on Football Frontier Internationals. The only way to get from level 1 to level 3 is by leveling up, which can be done by playing either friendly matches or tournaments. The friendly matches reward the players with gold coins that can be used for purchasing new boots and abilities, while the tournaments reward the players with money, which can be used for buying new players. In order to advance from level 3 to level 5 during a season in a tournament, you must win a certain amount of matches. There are many different types of matches in Inazuma Eleven 3: The Ogre Fr: Exhibition Matches, Friendly Matches, Tournament Matches and League Matches. The exhibition matches allow you to get a feel for the game before playing leagues. This type of match is common in the beginning of season. The main objective in these matches is to score goals, without being caught offside, while defending your own goal. Because there are no time limits in these exhibitions, the player can play them over and over again without worrying about an opponent scoring. Friendly Matches are fast-paced matches played against friends or online opponents. Because you are not trying to win the match, but simply learning how to play Inazuma Eleven 3, these types of matches are much more difficult than Exhibition Matches. As such, they become more difficult to complete than League Matches. Tournament Matches are the most realistic of the three types of matches. Also known as League Matches, these matches require a certain amount of skill to win, while still being fast-paced and easy to play. Winning a tournament lets a player advance from level 3 to level 4 in a season. League Matches are split into four tiers: S, A, C and D League Tiers. In each tier there are several leagues competing against each other for playoff spots and for overall league wins. Each league has various divisions that add on difficulty as the leagues get higher up on the rankings.
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